

Venue Booking

Terms & Conditions

  1. ID Card:Participants / travellers shall hold a valid ID Proof and are entitled to provide for verification / photocopy during check in or any required circumstances.
  2. Check In  & Check Out Policy: Our check in time is from 06:00 Am on your program date in case of venue booking.
  3. Usage of Liquor & Smoking:Possession and consumption of liquor and smoking are strictly prohibited inside the premises.
  4. Restriction:Participants / travelers shall understand and respect the moral & ethical values of the center. Entry of any person who has consumed liquor will be denied.
  5. Banned Goods: Possession of any kind of banned goods, weapons and liquor are strictly prohibited inside the premises.
  6. Outside Food: Outside foods are not allowed to carry inside the premises.
  7. Sharing: Allocation of rooms is the discrete decision of staff in charge. No combined accommodations will be provided for male and female participants.
  8. Safety of holdings: Participant are responsible for their belongings and valuables while sharing occupancies. 
  9. Personal Safety: Participants shall take the caution seriously and avoid roaming around in night times or solely which is highly risky for an animal encounter. In such accidental cases KALARI FOREST SCHOOL is not liable for any injury or loss of life.
  10. Denial: Forest School and its staffs have the right to deny, resist or cancel any activity if the participants are not responsive and cooperative to ensure the safety of the participants
  11. Any participant shall not disturb any flora / fauna in the forest school area.
  12. Prior notices should be made to issue notices, pamphlets and other kinds of information or advertisement in Forest School.
  13. Forest School has the right to prevent any individual from issuing notices, circulars, pamphlets and other related materials found offensive to its core principles.
  14. Communication on promotion of third-party objects without the prejudice of concerned matter is strictly denied inside the campus.
  15. Prior notice should be made if any individual or organization requires to sell any products inside the forest school campus.
  16. Forest school shall restrict sale and promotion of any third-party products inside the campus without prior notice.
  17. Forest School shall restrict sale of certain products, brands or other materials found offensive to the core principles of forest school.
  18. Participant(s) are liable to pay for any damages occurred to property of KALARI FOREST SCHOOL during their stay and other activities. 

Booking & Cancellation

  1. Booking fee is 50% of the quoted value
  2. Organizer shall verify and confirm the availability of dates before making advance payment.
Cancellation Policy:
  1. Cancellation charges may apply as follow in case of group venue booking
    • 10 – 7 Days: 15% of quoted value
    • 7 – 5 Days: 25% of quoted value
    • <5 Days: 30% of quoted value
  2. Bookings / Tickets cannot be transferred to third party
  3. Cancellation notice shall be sent through e-mail or post
Refund Policy:
  1. Refund shall be initiated within 4 – 5 days after the receipt of the refund notice or after the end of the scheduled program whichever is later
  2. Refund shall effect within 15 days after the initiation to the bank account
  3. Any discrepancies in refund shall be communicated to admin@kalariweb.in